Take advantage of stunning porcelain bridges.

A porcelain bridge is a false tooth, called “pontic”, which is usually fused between two porcelain crowns in replacement of a missing tooth. The two crowns that hold the pontic in place are attached to each side of the false tooth. This is called a “fixed bridge”. Cosmetic dental bridges serve to replace one or more teeth. Fixed bridges cannot be taken out of your mouth as partials can. Dental bridges can reduce the risk of gum disease, facilitate chewing, and even improve your diction!

Cosmetic bridges made entirely of porcelain constitute our main choice unless some compelling reason forces us to do otherwise. They are as solid as their metal predecessors. They can have the same appearance and translucence as natural teeth.

If you are missing one or more teeth, but have good dental hygiene, you should discuss this technique with your cosmetic dentist. Unfilled spaces between teeth can make neighbouring teeth deviate, in turn making them also more subject to tooth decay and gum disease.